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Blue Flowers

Why I wrote S.O.L. Sacred Orgasmic Living?

S.O.L, Sacred Orgasmic Living, is a reminder that there is always sacredness in life.Through S.E.X, Sensual Emotional eXchange, we remember that extraordinary sacredness. Sacred Orgasmic Living will assist readers to gain control of inner information that holds the key to unlocking their most pleasurable, sacred life. 

Why I'm quailfied to write about energy work?

I believe a wise person is always a student. I have the ultimate respect for the esoteric arts of health and well-being. My journey started with 氣功 Qi Gong (Breath Work) in 2002 and Energy Body Work in 2007. With combinations of Tantra, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebrew Kabbalah, and African Spirituality systems like Egyptian Tree of Life and IFA. These give me tools to help people in a full 360 spectrum, from technical skill to emotional intelligence.  

How will the book help?

Sacred Orgasmic Living is a natural way of being. This book was written to help people be in touch with their own natural sensual pleasure and inner peace.  As you read S.O.L.’s contents, you begin growing from mere understanding to practical application.  You will find after you finish that living sacredly and orgasmic can be obtained in day to day life. 

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